Monday, May 25, 2009

Chapter 3 Question 20

Photochromic glass contains silver chloride which turns the lens dark when it is exposed to sunlight. A solution containing 1.9 g of magnesium chloride is added to an excess solution of silver nitrate. Calculate the maximum mass of silver chloride obtained. (R.A.M: Mg, 24; Cl, 35.5; Ag, 108)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chapter 3 Question 19

Propene burns in oxygen as follow:
2C3H6 + 9O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O
What is the volume of carbon dioxide produced at STP from a complete burning of 21 g of propene?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chapter 3 Question 18

Which of the chemical equations below is NOT correctly balanced

A 2Al + 6HCL -> 2AlCl3 + 3H2
B 2Na + 2H2O -> 2NaOH + H2
C Fe3O2 + 2H2 -> 3Fe + 2H2O
D 2Pb(NO3)2 -> 2PbO + 2NO2 + O2

Chapter 3 Question 17

5.4 g of metal M combined with 4.8 g of oxygen to form a compound with the empirical formula M2O3. Determine the relative atomic mass of metal M. (R.A.M: O, 16)

Chapter 3 Question 16

Iron fumarate is used as iron supplement to treat anaemia. It is found that the compound contains 28.2% carbon, 1.2% hydrogen, 33.0% iron and 37.6% oxygen by mass. Determine the empirical formula of iron fumarate. (R.A.M: H, 1; C, 12; O, 16; Fe, 56)

Chapter 3 Question 15

Capsaicin is a compound found in chilli which gives it a hot taste. The compound capsaicin contains 4.32 g carbon, 0.54 g hydrogen, 0.28 g nitrogen and 0.96 g oxygen. Determine the empirical formula of capsaicin. (R.A.M: H, 1; C, 12; N, 14; O, 16)

Chapter 3 Question 14

A skin whitening cream contains an oxide of metal M. The metal oxide is reduced in a combustion tube by passing hydrogen gas through it. The result of the experiment is tabulated below.
Mass of empty combustion tube = 35.70 g
Mass of combustion tube + metal oxide (before reduction) = 39.70 g
Mass of combustion tube + metal (after reduction) = 38.10 g
Determine the empirical formula of this metal oxide. (R.A.M: O, 16; M, 48)

Chapter 3 Question 13

Which of the following gases has the same mass? (R.A.M: H, 1; C, 12; N, 14; O, 16; 1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm^3 at room temperature and pressure)

A 4.8 dm^3 NO2 = 6.9 g
B 3.6 dm^3 CO2 = 5.5 g
C 18 dm^3 CH4 = 12 g
D 12 dm^3 NH3 = 3.4 g

Chapter 3 Question 12

If the Avogadro numbe is represented by x, what is the number of carbon dioxide molecules in a gas jar containing 4.8 dm^3 of the gas at room temperature and pressure? (1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm^3 at room temperature and pressure)

A 10x
B 5x
C x/10
D x/5

Chapter 3 Question 11

Matches contain potassium chlorate (V), KClO3. On heating, potassium chlorate (V) decomposes to form potassium chloride and oxygen gas which supports combustion of the matches. Calculate the volume of oxygen gas released at room temperature and pressure when 2.45 g of potassium chlorate (V) is heated. (R.A.M: O, 16; Cl, 35.5; K, 39; 1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm^3 at room temperature and pressure)

Chapter 3 Question 10

1.4 g of a gas X occupies a volume of 1.12 dm^3 at standard temperature and pressure. Which of the following is likely to be the formula of gas X? (R.A.M: H,1; C, 12; 1 mol of gas occupies 22.4 dm^3 at standard temperature and pressure)

A C2H4
B C2H6
C C3H6
D C4H8

Friday, May 22, 2009

Chapter 3 Question 9

R.A.M of X and Y are 28 an 56. Which of the statements below is TRUE?

A The mass of one atom X is 28 g and the mass of one atom Y is 56 g
B The mass of one mole of X is the same as the mass in one mole of Y
C The number of moles in 14 g of X is the same as the number of molesin 14 g of Y
D 2.8 g of X and 5.6 g of Y contain the same number of particles

Chapter 3 Question 8

Which of the following statements are TRUE for one mole of a substance?

I 1 mol of nitrogen gas contains 6 x 10^23 atoms
II 1 mol of carbon dioxide contains 1.8 x 10^24 atoms
III 1 mol of iron contains 6 x 10^23 molecules
IV 1 mol of water contains the same number of molecules as the number of atoms in 12 g of carbon-12

Chapter 3 Question 7

Calculate the mass of water (H2O) that contains two times more molecules than in 6.4 g methanol (CH3OH). (R.A.M: H, 1; C, 12; O, 16)

Chapter 3 Question 6

Which of the following has the greatest mass? (R.A.M: H, 1; C, 12; N, 14; O, 16; Na, 23; S, 32; K, 39; Pb, 207)

A 0.5 mol NaOH
B 0.4 mol Na2CO3
C 0.3 mol K2SO4
D 0.2 mol Pb(NO3)2

Chapter 3 Question 5

Which of the following gases contain 9 x 10^22 molecules at standard temperature and pressure? (R.A.M: H,1; C, 12; N, 14; O, 16; NA = 6 x 10^23 mole^-1)

I 5.8 g of butane gas, C4H10
II 6.6 g of carbon dioxide gas, CO2
III 2.55 g of ammonia gas, NH3
IV 4.05 g hydrogen cyanide gas, HCN

Chapter 3 Question 4

Calculate the mass of 1.8 x 10^24 methane molecules, CH4. (R.A.M: H, 1,; C, 12; 1 mole contains 6 x 10^23 molecules)

Chapter 3 Question 3

Penicillin is antibiotic. Its molecular formula is C16H18N2OxS. If its relative molecular mass is 350, determine the value of x.

Chapter 3 Question 2

The number of atoms in 1 mole of chlorine gas (Cl2) is equal to the number of atom in...
A 1 mole of magnesium
B 1 mole of carbon dioxide
C 2/3 mole of sulphur dioxide
D 2/3 mole of aluminium oxide

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Chapter 3 Question 1

The relative molecular mass of water is 18. This means a mass of 36 g of water contains...
I 2 molecules of water
II 2 moles of water
III 2 moles ions of water
IV 2 x 6.02 x 10^23 molecules of water

A IV only
B I and IV only
C II and IV only
D II and III only

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Welcome to the F4 Chemistry Blogger

Hi to all my dear students, here is this place we can discuss all the chemistry questions that you guys face when studying the subject. Take care and good luck to all of you guys!